BLACK AUTHORS DOCUMENT THEIR 30-DAY EYE OPENING JOURNEY IN NEW BOOK ENTITLED "THE 30-DAY SACRIFICE"4/12/2016 Nationwide -- Life is all about energy. Authors Carolyn Denise and Renard Gales explore the idea that to make real change in life, a person often needs to make a sacrifice to free up the energy to achieve their goal. All this and more is explored in their new book, The 30-Day Sacrifice: What Are You Willing to Give up to Get What You Want?
It's not an uncommon statement that nothing great comes without sacrifice. Authors Carolyn Denise and Renard Gales have taken that idea to heart and through experience proved it to be true in their new book, The 30-Day Sacrifice: What Are You Willing to Give up to get What You Want? The book delivers a challenge to readers to stop living off excuses and lies and, instead to embrace the truth, by keeping a personal promise for 30-days to focus on higher ideals. 'The 30-Day Sacrifice asks an important question, commented Carolyn Denise about her new book. If a person is really fed up, what are they willing to sacrifice, give up for 30 days, and use that energy to get their real desire, what they want and long for? According to the authors, the The 30-Day Sacrifice program was developed by the pair as they took 30-days to get their relationship right again with God. To free up the energy and time needed to make important life changes. They sacrificed watching television, which had been an important part of their lives. The 30-Day Sacrifice documents their 30-day eye opening and exciting journey, with actionable tips that can help others also achieve their goals following the same method. Denise is a well-known self-help author and motivational speaker who have earned the nickname the Approachable Accessible Author from the many people she has helped with her work. Renard Gales is her husband, whose background includes close to twenty years in the Army before retiring. In addition to writing, he is also a freight driver for FedEx - a position he has held since 1996. Early feedback from readers has been very positive. John C., from Chicago, commented, I was so tired of my 9 to 5 and The 30-Day Sacrifice showed a clear way out. I followed the advice, and I'm now happier than ever. Fully recommended! For more information, visit
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