Member Name
Tochukwu Mbiamnozie
[email protected] Phone Number 203-317-8493 Address 33 Dixwell Avenue PMB 343 New Haven, CT United States 06511 Website Link Social Media |
Business Category
Fashion, Lifestyle, Luxury Shoes & Accessories
Business Description
Tucci Polo Inc. serves the Luxury Footwear, Leather goods & Accessories market. Known for exclusive top quality handmade luxury shoes & leather messenger bags for men and women who take pride in being stylish and classy. In addition to offering a wide range of accessories, TucciPolo offers urban footwear’s and accessories designed by fashion-lovers including its own owner. To guarantee quality, products are handmade with the finest Italian leather materials found across Europe and by the best English and Italian Artisans. The store also promises the best customer service and a unique shopping experience. |
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